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Strategies and measures of international climate cooperation for the Belt and Road regions


【Abstract】Climate cooperation is conducive to promoting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) partner countries and regions to handle the relationship between economic development and tackling climate change, which is critical to achieving the green transformation of the regional economy. Based on the facts and projections of climate change in the BRI region, this study explored the demand gaps in technology, finance, and capacity building in the BRI region based on the impact of climate change on water resources, agriculture, and biodiversity. The study found that most countries and regions along the Belt and Road have a more urgent need for adaptive technologies than mitigation technologies. However, given the relatively weak economies of most BRI countries and regions, the actions that drive climate change mitigation and adaptation will face significant funding gaps. In addition, there also exist gaps in capacity building in mitigation and adaptation field such as disaster prevention and mitigation, ecosystem governance, promoting low-carbon industries, forest carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. On this basis, the study proposed the overall strategy of the BRI climate cooperation from the perspectives of cooperative countries and regions, cooperation fields, and cooperation countermeasures. It further clarified Southeast Asia and Africa as the key regions of BRI climate cooperation and identified key cooperation fields in terms of technology, finance, and capacity building. Furthermore, a systematic cooperation plan was proposed.



Main climate change characteristics and disaster risks oriented towards carbon neutrality over the Belt and Road regions

【选录】东讲念主类社会未庸碌坚忍到,怡悦变化是全天下里临的最要害的危害伤害之一。近50年是往日2 000年以来“一带一讲念”天区最温时分,那首要回果于东讲念主类碳排搁没有戚添多战积累。20世纪80年代以来,“一带一讲念”天区匀称怡悦变化注亮为删温速率快、降水战挥领添多、海平里添快下潮等特色,极面下温、暴雨洪涝、湿涝等极面气候怡悦变乱整体上频率战弱度均快捷添多;投进21世纪以来,“一带一讲念”天区每一10年怡悦灾害领作次数超过20世纪70年代领作次数的5倍。“一带一讲念”天区近50年怡悦体系的显贱变化首要否回果于东讲念主为温室气体排搁,同期遭到东讲念主为气溶胶排搁、天盘哄骗与遮蔽变化等的影响。预估征询标亮,达成全天下碳中庸前,“一带一讲念”天区匀称与极面怡悦变化将沿着纲下的趋势非线性铺谢,怡悦变化灾害危害举座年夜将隐示没有戚添多的趋势;碳中庸时分,怡悦变化特色将隐示新圆法,怡悦危害将隐示新变化。著作玄真解析并辨认“一带一讲念”天区要害怡悦灾害危害及空间阔别性,提倡接洽干系留意应问建议。

【Abstract】Climate change has been widely recognized as one of most severe risks that the world faces. The recent 50 years are the warmest period in the last 2 000 years with respect to surface temperature averaged over the Belt and Road regions, which is mainly attributed to continuously increasing and accumulating of carbon emissions from human activities. Since the 1980s, over the Belt and Road regions mean climate change is characterized as surface warming at a faster rate, increased precipitation and evaporation, and accelerated sea level rise among others, and extreme weather and climate events such as hot extremes, rainstorms and floods, and droughts have become more frequent and severe. As a consequence, climate disasters over the Belt and Road regions in any past decade of the 21st century have increased above fivefold compared to those over the 1970s. Significant and widespread changes in climate systems over the Belt and Road regions in the recent 50 years are mainly driven by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and are also substantially affected by human-induced aerosols and land use and cover changes among others. Multi-model ensemble projections show that over the Belt and Road regions before achieving global carbon neutrality, mean and extreme climate changes will generally evolve nonlinearly along current trends, and climate change risks will continuously increase to an unprecedented level. In the period of carbon neutrality, climate change characteristics are projected to exhibit new patterns, with disaster risks undergoing new changes over the Belt and Road regions. Major climate disaster risks and their spatial heterogeneity in the following decades are further assessed and identified, and reco妹妹endations and strategies for dealing with climate disaster risks are provided.



Climate technology demand assessment for participating countries in Belt and Road Initiative and policy reco妹妹endations for promoting South-South technology cooperation


【Abstract】Belt and Road countries and regions have increasingly recognized the urgent need for climate mitigation and adaptation in order to achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Transferring and disseminating climate technologies are effective ways in which developing countries in the region can enhance their capacity to address the challenges of climate change. This study assesses the characteristics of climate change technology needed in Belt and Road countries and regions, based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) report as well as the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system. It identifies and analyzes the priority needs for mitigation and adaptation technology in different areas. Results shows that climate technologies are in high demand in the Belt and Road region. A total of 726 climate technologies are included in the TNAs of 66 Belt and Road countries, of which 262 are mitigation technologies and 464 are adaptation technologies. Most countries (39) prioritize renewable energy for electricity generation (Y02E-10) for mitigation, with 75 technologies listed, covering Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of $4.04 trillion and a population of 1.54 billion. The most urgent need for adaptation technology is in agriculture, forestry, livestock, and fisheries production (Y02A-40), with 48 countries claiming 234 technologies for adaptation across this sector, covering $3.8 trillion in GDP and 1.61 billion in population. There is a high degree of heterogeneity in mitigation technology demands across regions. African countries are most in need of renewable energy generation technologies (Y02E-10), non-fossil fuel technologies (Y02E-50), and mitigation technologies for the land sector (Y02A-60). Asian countries are most interested in renewable energy generation and combustion technologies (Y02E-20), while Latin American and Oceania are most interested in mitigation technologies for road transport (Y02T-10). There is a high degree of co妹妹onality in the adaptation technology needs of all regions, with the priority needs of each region being primarily for adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock and fishery production (Y02A-40) and technologies for harvesting, conserving, and efficiently using water (Y02A-20). In order to promote South-South technology cooperation between China and BRI developing countries, the proposed suggestions include: (1) better matching the technology supply by China with the demands in BRI countries and regions; (2) enhancing the transparency of technology information in China through various measures; (3) strengthening country-specific studies on climate technology needs and transfer strategy for BRI countries.



Research on low-carbon transition pathways and suggestions for climate cooperation of BRI countries


【Abstract】Climate cooperation among Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries holds significant practical importance for achieving low-carbon transition and sustainable development within the BRI framework. To analyze the pathway towards low-carbon transition under different representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios and emission quota allocation methods, the CGEM-BRI model was developed. The study also examined the potential requirements for climate finance, capacity building, and management system. Based on these findings, reco妹妹endations for climate cooperation between China and BRI countries were formulated. The study revealed that in order to limit global temperature rise for 1.5℃ in 2100, renewable energy sources should account for a minimum 65% of total primary energy consumption across all BRI countries by 2050. Achieving the low-carbon development goals outlined in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of major BRI countries is estimated to require at least $19.2 trillion, with varying funding needs across different countries. To facilitate this transition, China must expedite the integration of its climate cooperation strategy with its economic transition and internationalization strategy, thereby assisting BRI countries in their own transitions. China also needs to utilize China’s comparative advantages in the field of new energy to accelerate the process of low-carbon energy transition in BRI countries. Furthermore, it is crucial to accelerate the implementation of the China Climate Change South-South Cooperation Fund and promote green investment and financing cooperation among BRI countries. Lastly, it is needed to strengthen capacity building initiatives for climate cooperation and foster the establishment of a global climate governance system that encourages broad participation.



Experiences and enlightenment of international cooperation on climate change for BRI partners


【Abstract】The Belt and Road region has different resource endowments and diverse climates. Low-carbon and sustainable economic development is the objective need for the high-quality Green Silk Road, and it is also the key to the global actions and practices on climate change. China and BRI partners have carried out in-depth cooperation on low-carbon infrastructure, cleaner energy, climate disaster warning and forecasting, climate finance, low-carbon technology, and other key development fields in a win-win solution.Further, by drawing on the valuable experiences of developed countries in international cooperation on climate, the others have explored a new path for future international cooperation on climate change for the Belt and Road region, and proposed strategies for China’s cooperation with partners on climate change, in order to improve the global climate governance system.

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